Signs of a sick home

Whenever specific issues with a property are mentioned the focus is generally on energy performance.

There is however another fondamental aspect to improve: health.
Indeed, our homes may also be sick, this impacts directly on our own health and that of our children.
An efficient house is only the first step towards a more comfortable and healthier living space.

In addition to having low running costs and using clean energy the ideal home should provide well-being and comfort everyday.

AIR-VOLT is the perfect solution to overcome this new challenge.

Do you think your home is healthy?

Check now by reading through the list of symptoms:

L'humidité qui pénètre facilement est un signe que votre logement est malade

penetrates easily

Les traces de moisissures et d'humidité sont un signe que votre logement est malade

Traces of mould and humidity, on the top and bottom of the walls.

Les sensations de courant d'air sont un signe que votre logement est malade


Les rhumes fréquents sont un signe que votre logement est en mauvaise santé


Les allergies s'expriment plus fortement à l'intérieur des logements

Stronger allergic reactions at home than outdoors (asthma attacks, for example)

Des écarts de températures forts entre les pièces sont un signe que votre logement est malade

A big difference in temperature between rooms: living room, bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom.

Le chauffage qui s'éteint et se rallume fréquemment est un signe de que votre logement est malade

The heating switches on and off frequently, which is the sign of a continuously varying ambient temperature.

Want to know more about AIR-VOLT?


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we will contact you as soon as possible.

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